A few things to note:

– It is now past midnight. Which means that today I’m going to see Halestorm play an amazing show at the Republik, and eat dinner at Senor Frogs, with no children. This is the first girls’ night I’ve had since May, and I don’t think there’s ever been a time I’ve needed one more.

– If you didn’t know, Philip is out of state and will be until the end of September. I’m just one week in and I’m already losing my mind. Sophia is a wonderful help, for the most part, but Ethan has disregarded every rule that has ever been put in place around here and is giving me a level of attitude I can’t begin to put into words. I’m sure that he’s just testing me to see what he can get away with, since Philip is more of the authoritarian than I am, but oh man. I cannot deal.

– I’ve been super at cleaning the house and even staying on top of laundry. But I’m going to need a mask, a lifetime supply of air freshener, and some latex gloves to get anywhere near my sink. I keep skipping out on dishes and they’ve piled up. Yikes.

– At the end of the afternoon, Ethan and I have been going into the school early before Sophia gets out and putting in parent participation hours. I really love that her school has this and asks you to document the time you spend at home helping your children, too. I’m the only parent who ever seems to have another child with them though, and of course Ethan wants to join in on the fun, and no one has ever really told me if that’s okay or not. I guess unless the administration says something I won’t worry about it. This week I’m making playdough for her class. That’ll be fun!

– I’ve been on an organization kick. I’m slowly going room to room and from one closet to another to toss things out, donate them, or move them accordingly. This weekend I made the choice to get rid of our very old very horribly stained couches, and moved our upstairs futon down where the sofa used to be (the space for the loveseat still needs filled; I’m eyeing a few chairs & ottomans). Philip told me that his couches ‘better’ be back in the house when he comes home, but I’m standing firm on this. I’m pretty certain we’re going to have a huge fight on our hands when he returns. He knows they’re gone, and he hasn’t spoken to me since I told him. I only hope that he’ll get over it in the next couple weeks and not be angry anymore when he comes back. We’ll see.

– My parents officially sold & moved out of my rural childhood home this weekend, and into a small condo in town. I’m a little heartbroken that I didn’t get to spend another night there, and I’ve had a good cry about it. I know they are getting older and didn’t need all the space now that my sister and I are grown, and couldn’t keep up with the insane amount of yard, but it’s just depressing, really. When you move around every few years, the place you knew your whole life tends to feel like your real home. And now… it’s not there to go back to. Sorry, ugh, I’m having a lot of feels about the whole thing.

– I’ve got like a waiting list of people who want me to help with their blog layouts, and I will, but I’m working for my mom on my hometown’s new website, when I’m not dealing with all the ‘temporarily single parenting, losing my mind, crying over everything, and organizing the house’ stuff. So, be patient with me. It’s going to be a week, likely.

That is all. Good night!

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