
My downstairs is spotless. That’s a first. When Phia is home from school today, and is made to clean her room and help Ethan with his, then imaginably my upstairs will be tidy, too.

My New Parent Support advocate was by today. She is firmly arguing with me that Ethan needs speech help. This kid knows and says like 300 words and sentence combos, and is barely two, but her thought is that his ‘language’ is fine but his speech process is not because he’s too slurred and difficult to understand. I’ve got another year of having him at home with me. If the work I do with him doesn’t set him up better by preschool next year, then I’ll consider speech therapy. But in my opinion, he’s just barely not a baby anymore and she expects too much.

I have been horrible about making meals at home since Philip has been gone. We’ve hit the drive thru waayyy too much. And I’ve been going through redbull like crazy, but—- Ugh. It’s the only thing keeping me going somedays, I swear. I’ve also been horrible about working out. The combined effect of the three are probably not good. This sucks. 😦

Also, it hit me like a ton of bricks today that I really hate that Philip is re-enlisting and I think we should reconsider. He’s been gone only two weeks of this latest excursion, and with another month to go, I’m already hating life. I can’t believe he actually wants to move into an MOS that requires more time away from home. Im miserable and honestly don’t know if I can do another four years of this.

Enough word vomit.
How are things, Tumblr?

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