This photo hurts my eyes.
Why? Well, I’m not pregnant, for one. And you certainly could guess by the bulge in my belly. I’ve had this photo for almost three weeks, and I haven’t posted it for one reason only: I hate the way I look. I hate the dimpled look of my thigh (not sure what’s up because they don’t appear to be on my other thigh.) I hate the way my tits sag, my hair looks greasy, and and I loathe that god damn belly bulge.

I’m so tired of starting to change, and then getting frustrated and giving up. I don’t want to sit here and delete photos of myself and my family just because I’m dissatisfied with my appearance. I can’t feel like this anymore.

I’m pulling out the 30 Day Shred DVD for September.
Just once I’d like to finish it. Guess we’ll see?

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