Well, hubby came home this weekend after the longest 6 weeks of my life. (Seriously, I don’t even think our last deployment was that bad. Yikes.) And these two kiddos are the happiest kids in the world, and finally back to their normal behavior.

So, a few things:

Tomorrow is October 1st and there are going to be some very big changes to my blogs.

– I’m moving my free themes over to this blog, and any future ones will be published here.

– I’ve changed my username from slightlyawsm to slightlyawesomeblog!

– My usernames on all other platforms / social networks is now gabbyguzik. I considered changing the username of this blog to gabbyguzik as well, because lack of uniformity drives me nuts. But that’s not going to happen. I just decided to make my username a bit less juvenile.

– Forever working towards better written, structured, posts instead of crazy randomness that nobody’s interested in. Remind me of that next time I babble on and on.

– I updated my theme, and it is nifty as fuck — go look at it! Do you see my menu bar on the right? Do you see my comment/note inline integration in my post pages? Do you see I have a banner/badge now that you can copy to your blog to tell everyone “I LOVE GABBY’S BLOG!”? Well, I do. So make a button for yours and we can swap. Free traffic, dude.

– Also? I officially started filling out my fafsa so that I can finally go get a degree in this web design nonsense. So, don’t expect to pay $15 for tumblr themes forever. 😉 Get your butt on the waitlist for a custom theme NOW!

And, I love you Tumblr.
That is all.

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