Tag Archives: 2012

My little Buzz & Jessie were pretty adorable this year. Sophia’s preschool hosted Trick-or-Treat, but Sophia was furious that I brought Ethan along, so she kept telling me ‘go away mommy’. So I gave her some space and took most my photos from afar. How cute is her little friend who was Woody joining in? Such a fun afternoon.

October 27th, 2012
Slightly Awesome Photography

Johanna & Geoffery
Married October 15th, 2012
Slightly Awesome Photography

We went to the Aloun Farms out by Kapolei today, and picked some pumpkins. Sophia caught a thorn in her fingers while rooting through the patch. I never realized pumpkins even grew thorns!
We had to leave because she started throwing a tantrum soon after.
But then we went home & carved them out, and that was fun!

Spent the early part of the afternoon at the pool today. Ethan’s still unsure of the water, but Sophia hates me when it’s time to leave.