Tag Archives: self

Yesterday was my sister-in-law’s last day here, so my MIL kept the kids at the house and let us have a girl’s day. And, like me, girls day is just perfect for her as long as it involves a towel, sunglasses, and a beach to sprawl out beside.

Philip was at work, so we went to the base beaches, so that we could have lunch with him on his break. We spent the first half of the afternoon at Ft. Hase, but then the tide started rolling in over the reef and was touching our toes (and there wasn’t room to move back further!) So then we drove across base to Pyramid Rock, which is beautiful but rather always rather busy.

We spent quite literally all afternoon just laying in the sun. I haven’t had that luxury, thanks to having to sit up and watch children, in ages. It was just the most needed thing ever.

Safe to say I’m a bit pink and paying for it now, (that’s what we get for using accelerant, and no SPF) but I’ll take it!

Monday Musings

(thought this would be a fun, short way to ramble once a week)

– Sophia took that picture. With my DSLR. In manual. How awesome is that?

– Philip and I spent our Saturday evening and most of early Sunday afternoon in Waikiki, celebrating our Anniversary, while our new sitter, Lynette, stayed at our house with the kids. We had dinner at the Cheesecake Factory. I had a Macaroni & Cheeseburger. Amazing. And I tried out a new drink, the Flying Gorilla. It’s pretty much a chocolate banana milkshake knocked up with vodka and topped with whipped cream. Double amazing. Then we went and saw Pain & Gain. Equally hilarious and action-packed. Sunday morning we were supposed to roll out of our bed and have breakfast at Denny’s and then go lay on the beach (kid-free!) until the afternoon. But Denny’s was packed and it was pouring rain, so we went shopping all morning and then had lunch at Chili’s before returning home to the kids.

– Also? Hotel sex.

– Philip and I played this new game all weekend called “My Team”. If you’re not familiar with it, the game is played by people watching (and we had plenty of opportunities in Waikiki this weekend) and when you see someone really attractive you call “My team!” So far, I’m pretty sure I’m winning. I called out a pony-tailed chick in running shorts and a sports bra who was an eleven, easily, and earned a high five of approval from Philip. I’ve suggested making the game more interesting by snapping pics with our cell phones so that we can keep track of who is on who’s team, and possibly even start a trading card & point sort of system. Philip was so excited to go into work today and tell the guys about this.

– The Salvation Army is supposed to be here picking up a ton of stuff today, but they haven’t called me back about what time they’re coming and it’s driving me nuts. I can’t wait to finally clear this room out and put in a freaking dining room table already.

– My mother-in-law is coming out in just over a month to stay for most the summer (Mid June to Mid August). I’m pretty excited. The kids are, too. Philip’s taking off a few weeks of leave so we can act like tourists here one last time before we move this fall.

– I’m pretty much not talking to my own mother now because of her bitter (jealous?) reaction to the above. Added to the fact that I cannot vent to her about anything anymore because she’s so critical these days. It’s ridiculous.

– My hair has suddenly started growing like crazy. Out of nowhere the past week or so I’ve discovered I can pull it into a small ponytail. Hopefully it’ll be long again soon. And I am never ever cutting it until I’m like in my 40s and can’t pull it off anymore.

– I really need to start making time for reading again. I’m itching to read Insurgent (Divergent Series) and Reached (Matched Trilogy) since they’ve been released. I haven’t read anything since October. That’s unacceptable.

– Level 65 of Candy Crush is going to break me. I’m tempted to hand it off to Philip and let him beat it, because he’s a super duper expert at this game.

– I’m thoroughly convinced that Macklemore is going to be the musical voice of our generation. He’s seriously just perfect. Don’t believe me? Listen.

That’s it ‘til next Monday. Stop by Wednesday to see my first week of photos from my (renewed) 365 project, that started on May 1st. (:

4 years ago, in May 2nd 2009, this happened. Today we are at a turning point in our marriage, and myself in the midst my own personal journey, and life has been interesting to say the least.

2013 has so far been a roller coaster of emotions. There are surely more to come, and given the significance of it all, this day seems as good as any other to pick up the camera, get back to what I love (my photography), and start documenting life again.

So. Look forward to more of that.