Tag Archives: throwback


We took these the day that I moved to Akron, August 22nd 2008, when we got home after taking my stuff up to my new apartment. Don’t ask me to explain what’s going on here. We’re just people who loved each other a lot and wanted to take some photos before everything changed. That’s all.


Tuesday, August 19th, 2008. The bonfire.

So, we were all hanging out at my house. In just three days we’d head off to college (we were all going to Akron except for Lacee) and thought “Hey, let’s have a fire,” and we sent some texts out to other friends to come join us. In the meantime, we took these photos.

Then the other folks showed up, and even some people who weren’t invited but word travels, ya know? And the night got crazy. What started as a bonfire ended up with us barhopping the 18 & overs (on a Tuesday, so exciting! Not.) and eventually winding up at the local shithole strip club until everyone paired off and went their separate ways.

I didn’t make the best choices that night, and it’s bittersweet because it started out as such a great time. I look back at these photos and laugh because I love these people, and then cringe because I know what happens later. Ugh.

Throwback! Summer 2008.

If you haven’t been introduced yet, meet Amanda.
Or for the folks of Tumblr, Delicassassin.

Best friend, royal advisor, awesome musician, psychology major, will fuck your shit up on Guitar Hero, and destroy you on Final Fantasy.


(forgot to post yesterday, whatever, this week’s been hell.)

Let me tell you about the time my best friend, Lacee, and I (and my mom) went to Ocean City, Maryland. First you should know that my mom coming was not part of the plan. It was supposed to be Lacee, Me, her boyfriend at the time, and Philip. It was going to be our big senior trip before we went off to college.

Philip and I were still seeing each other but were technically not exclusive at the time (we had went through that whole senior year/college transitional stage of “should we see other people?”) and his grandparents told him at the last minute (literally the day before) that he couldn’t go because ‘they didn’t think it was a good idea’. Translation: I thought you were done with this girl. You’re not getting involved with her again. Which really sucked because he was the one who was driving us, in his car. Then Lacee’s boyfriend finds out that his vacation request didn’t get approved that same day. Oh well, we thought, girls trip!

Well, that wasn’t okay with our parents, who didn’t like the idea of two young girls alone on vacation. I’d like to take this moment to point out how awesome our parents were that they were cool with us going on vacation with our boyfriends, but not alone because they were concerned for our safety. So my mom volunteered. And honestly? We kinda thought that her coming along would make the whole trip a drag, but if anything it enhanced the experience. How many 18 year olds can say they got drunk on strawberry daiquiris drinking with their mom and passed out all day in a hotel room? Yeah, sometimes my mom is pretty cool.

Anyways, I look back on this trip bittersweetly because, just two months before I conceived Sophia, it kind of feels like my last moment of immature adolescence (give or take a few college frat parties that fall). We were stupid, loud, and inappropriate. (Note: me, motorboating the statue of the world’s largest woman in Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum) But… we were young enough to get away with it. 😉

Throwback Thursday

2008, Disney Cruise!
If ever you get the chance, the one thing I absolutely implore you to do in your lifetime, is take a trip with the Disney Cruiseline. When my mom asked me what I wanted for graduation, Disney World was the only thing I asked for. (Kind of a big thing, I know). And she returned that in ten fold when she took our whole family (my grandparents came too!) to Disney, and then aboard the Wonder to visit the Bahamas. It was like nothing I’ve ever experienced and I can’t wait to go again with my own kids.













Throwback Thursday (Still)

Once upon a time, before I had a DSLR, I was a selfie addict. Now I have instagram, but it’s no where as crazy as all… this. So, now you’ve seen my many haircuts, colors, faces, and bouts of acne, and crazy taste in sunglasses. Let’s never talk about this again, okay? 2008 – 2012.

Throwback Thursday

Summer, 2008. I had just graduated high school, and my mom bought her first DSLR. (She’s a classic—- still loved to shoot on 35mm film) For a few days there, she made me take a lot of test shots. It was fun & I got some cute Facebook profile pictures out of it for heading off to college 😉

Also? Could I please look like this again?
Because that would be awesome.

Throwback Thursday

This was in my draft folder, but I forgot to publish it yesterday. Oops!
Enjoy these random photos of Philip & I, from high school. 2005-2008.

Throwback Thursday

So this one time in 2008, my mom, sister, and I just hopped on a coach bus one night, and rode 8 hours from Cleveland to New York City. We got there super early in the morning, spent the whole day sight seeing, had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe, and rode a carriage in central park, visited the Hershey Store and Disney Store, went up to the top of the Empire State building, and shopped on 5th Avenue. Then we took a ride back on the bus that night. It was kind of amazing. Best girls day, ever.

Throwback Thursday

Senior Prom, 2008
Just days away from graduation, our Senior class celebrated with a bang at our prom. Philip and I actually had broken up at this point, but still went to the dance together and had a good time anyways.

My sister started dating my best guy friend, BK, and I was ecstatic. Unfortunately they broke up not too much later. He ended up being a groomsmen in our wedding and I haven’t seen him since that day. It’s really sad and I miss him a helluva lot sometimes, but from what I hear he’s a completely different person these days. 😦

Most of the night was spent on the dance floor with girlfriends, and that seemed like a perfectly great way to end senior year, to me.